If you have already purchased a star, you can find it completely free of charge in our online star registry simply by entering your personal star registration number in the field below and selecting the "Find Your Star" button This will search the star registry for your information and display a photograph of your star, your name, your dedication date and the telescopic coordinates of your star as well as other information about your star.
See what a STAR RECORD ENTRY looks like by entering a sample star registration number:
SAO 58539 in the field below.
Star Registration Number:
The format of the input is "SAO ######".
We take data seriously. Your star name information is stored in a Trusted Digital Repository maintained by a non-profit organization with an infinite life. This includes triple data backup across countries, each with 99.999999999% durability and regular data checks. Assets are dedicated by law to support this mission. This includes a world-class staff and advisers. To finance this an endowment fund was created to support the mission indefinitely.
Don't Know Your Registration Number?
If you don't know your star registration number, you can search our registry for your star name. Select the button below and fill out the information on the form to browse our registry.
Find Your Star in the Field
StarNamer® introduces the StarNoculars™ iPhone app. StarNoculars™ is an app that allows you to enter a StarNamer® star registration number on your phone, see your star name and then gives you directional arrows to point your phone right at your star. Then you can enter camera mode and take a picture of your star. This is the app you have been waiting for so that you can locate the star you have named in the field.