How to buy a star?
So how to buy a star... At our star register it is easy to buy star names. We have spent years streamlining the process so you can buy your star gift and be on your way as soon as possible. Read on on how to buy a star or just try it.
What is a Star Name?
With billions of stars in our galaxy alone, very few of them have commonly used names, such as Polaris, the North Star. Astronomers refer to stars by telescopic coordinates or catalog numbers, not names. These unnamed stars are available in our Star Catalog. Your star is only named once by us and it will remain exclusive to you in our catalog in perpetuity.
Is there any limitation to what I can name my star?
Some people use full names, some people use first names, some people use nicknames and some people use two names. It can be anything. The only real limitation is that the name must be 39 or less letters long. This is another way how to buy a star for two people - using two names.
What is the dedication date?
The dedication date is any special date that you want on your certificate. It can be a birth date, marriage date, anniversary, Christmas Day, you name it. If you're stuck for a special date it can always be the date that you purchased the star. Don't worry how to buy a star if you don't have a special date, use today.
Will I be able to see the star I have named?
Absolutely! All our stars are located to be view-able from the USA. You can see our stars with the naked eye and some require a small telescope or binoculars for viewing. Because our star coordinates are so precise, you will be able to locate your star. It is best to use the Find Your Star link on this website to locate your star.
How long do you save the name?
We take data seriously. Your star name information is stored in a Trusted Digital Repository maintained by a non-profit organization with an infinite life. This includes triple data backup across countries, each with 99.999999999% durability and regular data checks. Assets are dedicated by law to support this mission. This includes a world-class staff and advisers. To finance this an endowment fund was created to support the mission indefinitely.
Will my star name be officially recognized?
We are officially registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as a service that names celestial stars for people. Also, your certificate and information is copyrighted in the United States and other countries by treaty. There is a scientific organization in France called the International Astronomical Union that claims the only ability to name celestial bodies. We and others in the scientific community disagree with their claims and believe we have every much a right to name stars as they do. That is, based on international space law, our official status is equivalent to theirs. We do not coordinate our registry and star catalog with them or the scientific community. StarNamer has named close to 150,000 stars during our 20 year existence while the IAU has only named a handful. We are the best place for you to name a star.
Can I get extra copies of my star certificate?
Yes, select the Find Your Star menu item. After purchasing a star name, use the registration number you receive to access our registry. Then, enter your email address and select the button and your certificate will be sent to you via email. Once you receive it you can print it on your computer's printer. How to buy a star if you need multiple copies? Don't they are free.
How long does it take to receive my order?
We deliver the electronic star certificate to you immediately by our web server. If you need something super quickly, this is your best option. Our other Star Name gift packages are custom printed by us and will ship within two business days following our receipt of your order. Standard shipping delivery is by truck from New Jersey, USA. 99.9% of our orders arrive in nine days or less. Please be patient especially if you have selected a slower method of shipping. If time is a consideration, we strongly suggest Priority shipping. Priority shipping delivery is by air and requires about two to three days transit time AFTER we process your order. For your convenience we have the following: First Class or Ground - 4 to 9 days. Priority - 3 to 7 days. Express - 2 to 6 days (but usually 2 to 3 days).
Can I get a gift certificate?
Do you want to buy one of our products for someone and don't know what the final name will be? Is this a gift for another person so they can name the star anything they would like? If this is your intention, yes we can do it! Simply buy any of our products and for the star's name use: YOUR NAME HERE as the name. We will build the package and ship it or email it where you like with the name YOUR NAME HERE. Then, when the recipient wants to name the star, they should contact customer service (we include an instructional letter with the package) and we will rename it for them to the name they want and send out a new certificate, with the correct new name, at no charge. Voila! When we send out the correct certificate, we will use the same shipping method for the original purchase. For example, if you purchased the package with Priority shipping, we will ship the original package Priority and when the recipient contacts us to provide the correct name, we will ship the corrected certificate via Priority at no charge to the recipient.